Saturday 16 February 2013

OK, I was bored and decided to make a video on how one can use everyday objects as a weapon. I think I've said for a million times that I do Filipino Martial arts. But, so far I'm still a beginner (3-4 months) of lessons only. September 2013 will mark my 1 year in FMA. I made a mistake on my last post. KALI means Kamut Lihok which means Hand Body movement. KALI/ESCRIMA and ARNIS mean the same thing or at least to me. 

It's a very time efficient art because the mechanics is the same for knife,stick or iphone! In a tradition art like karate or wushu, the form for empty handed combat and the form for sword play are totally different. The practitioner have to "re-learn" the forms every time they switch weapons. I don't have 20 years to spare, I only have a limited time so I had to choose an art carefully.

The funny thing was that I actually prayed and asked God to lead me to the right art to engage in. God has answered me through Kali. 

I don't want to spend too much time on martial arts in case I neglect my studies and fellowship with God. Everything I do , I hope to find a balance. God has been very good to me, His lead me to many disciplines which keeps me healthy and functional.

In terms of Martial arts I choose FMA and combative applications and in terms of physical training I'm doing Kettlebells/Clubs and Tactical Fitness. My body is a temple of God forged with weapons and health hah!

In terms of Spirit, I've came to like the NKJV a lot, I understand that Hope church is primarily using NIV but it's a very personal thing. I use a  NCV(cover to cover) bible to read the whole OT and NT. For academic study I use NASB. And when I'm in the toilet I read the KJV (I left it in the toilet so I can feed and crap at the same time!). At the end of the day if I could only use a specific version, I'll use the NKJV but it's all the same lah, only stylistic differences, as in the delivery. Same chicken rice recipe but different types of chicken.....bad example.

In terms of studying; I've started to do the poly notes which my friends have given me generously. I just need to cover 4 books: Basic maths, Engineering maths 1,2 and Principles of Electrical engineering. If I do finish them, I'll be able to be on par with the 2nd year students. My game plan is pretty simple: 1) Finish the 4 books, 2) Apply for all the scholarships and see which of them accepts me. 3) Do my best in God.

In terms of relationship: I want Susanna cheng to come here and be part of the white paper proposal! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Come dear, Singapore welcomes you and will give you big incentives!

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